Annual Conferences


We are a coordinate organization of the African Studies Association and hold conference panels and our annual business meeting at the ASA’s annual meeting.

Each February, we invite our community to submit an abstract for the November meeting. We review individual papers for panels and plan a roundtable for more informal debate and exchange on current events.

The Annual Conference allows you to receive in-depth feedback on your research and initiatives from a community of people with deep connections to the Congo. The conference is also a space to hear from people who are implementing initiatives at community and national level to contribute to national transformation. Many of us have partnerships with Congolese institutions and travel to Congo annually or very often. Presenters do not have to have a teaching appointment to seek an opportunity to present on a CSA panel or roundtable. We actively seek new voices to enrich our community.

November 2024 Panel Presentation:

Congo Global Perspectives: Establishing Truth and Agendas from the Eye of the Beholder – Chicago, Ill Conference


2023 Roundtable: “Congolese Responses to Current Inside and Outside Threats in the East”

2022 Panel: “The DR Congolese Youth: Mobility, Creativity, and Challenges”

2021 Roundtable: “A Path to Decisive Leadership in the DRC? Juggling Multiple Interests”

2020 Roundtable: “Year II of Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi’s Presidency — Diverse Perspectives”

2019 Roundtable: “DRC, the 2018 Election and its Aftermath: Dilemma and Evolution of Political Coalitions in the Congo.”

ASA before Conferences